Dwarf Infantry

Dwarf Infantry
Figyelem! Mivel a terméket több beszállítón keresztül szerezzük be, illetve beszerzési ideje hosszabb is lehet, mint az átlagos 7-42 nap, amit előre sajnos nem tudunk megbecsülni, így rendelési szándékát emailben jelezze az info@tuan.hu címen.
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Nincs raktáron
12 968 Ft
Plastic 28mm sized Dwarves, designed to be used in the Fantasy Mass Battle game from Osprey Games, Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age.

This box set contains enough parts for you to build 30 Dwarf Infantry. We provide you with enough weapon options to make them all spearmen, all hand weapon and shield, all archers or any combination of the three. Each frame also contains a standard bearer and officer option. So you could have a giant unit of 30 Dwarf Warriors with an officer and standard bearer, or six units of 5 Dwarves with mixed weapons and a standard/ officer each!

Box also contains 30 plastic bases, 25mm square, manufactured by Renedra.
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