If not in stock, can be ordered (expected delivery time 20-60 days)

Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister Operative Expansion

Figyelem! Mivel a terméket több beszállítón keresztül szerezzük be, illetve beszerzési ideje hosszabb is lehet, mint az átlagos 7-42 nap, amit előre sajnos nem tudunk megbecsülni, így rendelési szándékát emailben jelezze az info@tuan.hu címen.
Ilyen termékeket sajnos a beérkezés bizonytalansága miatt más rendeléssel nem tudunk összevonni.
14 473 Ft
Kedvezményeket keres?
Two terrifying Inquistors are on the hunt in this new pack for Star Wars™: Legion! Tasked with hunting down Jedi who survived Order 66, the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister are deadly Imperial Operatives who bolster Imperial armies with even more Force users. In addition to their innate Force abilities and lightsaber skills, this pack also includes a new Training upgrade card and 5 command cards that further enhance their Jedi-hunting abilities.

A new Galactic Empire expansion for Star Wars: Legion
Adds the deadly Inquisitors Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister to players' armies
Also includes a new upgrade card and 5 command cards to further augment these characters' abilities

2 Minis
2 27mm bases
2 Unit Cards
6 Upgrade Cards
3 Command Cards
1 Punch Sheet
1 Rulesheet
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