Can be ordered (expected delivery time 7-42 days)

Zone Mortalis: Underhive Market

NECRO.: ZONE MORTALIS: UNDERHIVE MARKET - Figyelem! Mivel a terméket több beszállítón keresztül szerezzük be, illetve beszerzési ideje hosszabb is lehet, mint az átlagos 7-42 nap, amit előre sajnos nem tudunk felbecsülni, így rendelési szándékát emailben jelezze az címen. Köszönjük a megértést!
15 545 Ft
Kedvezményeket keres?

Even in the deadly Zone Mortalis, markets pop up in the crossfire as merchants and scroungers attempt to make a quick sale. Full of rare goods, counterfeit wares, and desirable weapons, these maze-like markets are frequently the sites of firefights between gangs, and the Palanite Enforcers are no stranger to the flimsy cover of a stall's awning.

This kit allows you to build your own Underhive Markets from a host of terrain pieces and accessories, such as market stalls, gun racks, storage caskets, and the assorted detritus that litters the bazaars of the underhive.

This kit comprises of 45 plastic components, with which you can assemble the following Underhive Market terrain pieces:

- 2x large market stalls
- 2x small market stalls
- 2x horologium
- 2x gun racks
- 2x large storage caskets
- 2x power units
- 4x plasma flasks
- 2x lockboxes
- 2x buckets
- 4x signs
- 6x mugs
- 2x Mung vases
- 2x coin piles

This kit is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.

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